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Why Your Garage Door Is Not Closing Properly

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Why Your Garage Door Is Not Closing Properly

Garage Door Is Not Closing Properly | Garage Door Repair Buford, GA

Garage doors are designed to open and close quickly, easily, and exactly when you want them to. If yours is not closing properly, then it could be for a number of different reasons. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Something’s Blocking The Door

Although this sounds like an obvious problem, it’s not one that immediately springs to mind when there is an issue with your garage door closing properly. People will normally imagine that there is a mechanical fault, when simply looking around and removing the blockage could solve the problem.

  • Broken Springs

A garage door works by using sets of heavy springs, and if any of those springs are misaligned or broken, then that could be a good reason for why your door is not closing properly. Don’t be tempted to try to fix the springs yourself – call a professional to ensure that it’s done exactly as it should be.

  • Default Settings

If you have a remote opener, have you ever looked at your default settings? It could be that they are set to only allow the door to open or close a certain amount. Take a look at the settings, and if they need to be adjusted you should be able to do this job yourself without too much trouble. This way, your garage door will open and close at the right limits, and save you from a frustrating time trying to work out what’s gone wrong!

  • Track Damage

Your garage door will run on tracks, and if any part of those tracks are damaged, bent, or warped in any way, the door won’t move properly, resulting in it getting stuck on its way up or down. Be careful when checking the tracks as they are usually located higher up, towards the garage roof. It’s not a difficult job, but having two people to carry it out is usually a good idea – one to check the tracks, and another to hold the ladder. Keep out of the way of the door when you’re testing it too, as you don’t want to be injured by it.

  • Cable Damage

Finally, it could be that the cables attached to your garage door are damaged in some way, and the result is that the door will not close (or open) properly. Again, you can check the cables yourself, but it’s best to have a professional repair them if that’s what needs to be done.


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